At Home, Elsewhere

learning how to be at home

  • The Luxury of Time

    The Luxury of Time

    It’s a quiet evening in the hills of Cannes, overlooking the sea… a view that I have become used to over the last two weeks. The glittering view of the hills encroaching onto the Mediterranean, like fingers desperately digging into the earth, trying to hold on. That’s what it’s felt like these last two weeks…

  • On Being Found

    On Being Found

    Yesterday evening, after more than 24 hours, I arrived in France. It’s always the best feeling when someone picks you up at the airport, especially someone who you know and who cares about you. As we were driving along the highway, the sun was beginning to set. I watched the dull blue and pink sky,…

  • Spread Your Wings

    Spread Your Wings

    Before my flight, I could hardly think. A nervousness suddenly gripped me, one I hadn’t felt before. Why? I was finally able to live my dream. But then it dawned on me. This time was different from all the other times, because I knew I this would be the last time I’d be this version…

  • See You Later

    See You Later

    I can’t write that much today, so it’s a short and simple entry. I feel lots of mixed emotions… multiple thoughts running through my head. I’ve decided that I don’t like goodbyes, so I’ll just say “see you later” instead. The truth is that I will continue to fly between my two homes. One in…

  • Purity, Focus, Acceptance

    Purity, Focus, Acceptance

    It’s that time again… packing time. The last few days have been spent mostly catching up with family and friends, while also trying to do some packing inbetween. The big day is coming up quickly. This time, I am not taking the usual approach to packing. For starters, I am incredibly tired. This process of…

  • You Never Know Who You Inspire

    You Never Know Who You Inspire

    This morning, I went to one of my favourite local cafes to get my last bit of writing in. You may remember how much I love finding magical little places like cafes to meet new people and be around great energy. Over here, it’s such a good memory for me, sitting on my favourite chair…

  • Welcome Home

    Welcome Home

    These days, my stress levels have disappeared. My mind is concerned with practical matters, it’s true, but my stress about what will happen with my move to France, and how I am going to make a living is not bothering me anymore. I simply know that if I am able to put one foot in…

  • There is No Formula

    There is No Formula

    I want to be more honest than usual for a moment. The last few months being away from France has been excruciating for me. I have had to face fears in relation to my career, money, love and where I want my home to be. I am grateful for all these struggles, but it has…

  • At Home, Elsewhere: Part 2

    At Home, Elsewhere: Part 2

    I accidentally missed the month of August, which was a bit stressful and busy… so here is the next instalment of my memoir. You can read the first one here. Thank you once again for coming with me on this slow journey… ~ She returned back to her chair, handing me a hot cup of…

  • Time to Start the Next Chapter

    Time to Start the Next Chapter

    I have just spent the weekend away with family in the wine region. I always love this place during winter. It’s green, fresh and quiet. The vines may be bare, but the grass is lush. The clouds may be grey, but the sea is still gleaming blue. The sunrises are still beautiful and the sunsets…