At Home, Elsewhere

learning how to be at home

The Trip which Started it all

Soon, I’ll be on a plane heading to my first destination for 2024… Taipei! It’s a special place for me, because it’s the first place that I travelled as an adult and it really awakened my desire to continue travelling.

When I was young, I’d never wanted to travel around the world… but until now I’ve been to about 30 countries. It all happened quite by accident, I didn’t have any list, plan or ambition. When I was 15 I went to New Zealand as part of a school trip, and I’d seen snow at that time which was good enough for me. What I really wanted was a stable job, stable income and not to suffer financially.

And after graduating University that’s exactly what I got. I got my dream job, which allowed me to get married, buy a house, and I even had a property in the countryside… until one day when I didn’t have any of it anymore. It was my choice, to let it all go, and I think that Taiwan is largely responsible for that (in a good way).

It all started when two friends suggested that we go on a trip together in 2015. One of them suggested Taiwan, and being the spontaneous person I am, I just said “yes, sure!” I didn’t even know where it was, or what it was like. I just said yes.

We started planning for a couple months, and then slowly I began to realise that my finances were probably not going to be enough. I was going through a divorce at that time, and so I was shelling out a lot of money. I approached my friend about my situation, and I fully expected her to be disappointed that I wasn’t going to follow through with the trip. But instead, she did something unexpected.

She told me that she would loan me money to go. I was completely shocked! At that time, I wouldn’t have normally agreed to such a thing. But somehow, I felt that she just genuinely wanted me to be a part of the trip. So I said yes, and agreed to pay her back later. I am incredibly grateful for this friendship, and that she trusted me so much. I don’t know if she realises just how much her kind gesture has truly enriched my life.

So, a few days after Christmas we arrived in Taipei to celebrate the new year. I still remember taking a taxi into the centre of town and looking out at my surroundings. Wow. All of those tall buildings with square windows, people everywhere, lights everywhere. I could hardly see the sky… something that is normally so vast and empty in Australia. It was completely different to anything I’d ever experienced.

We arrived at our accommodation late at night, there was a slight drizzle. The taxi stopped by the side of the road, and we took out our bags and began to search for the little apartment. As we walked down a dark alley, I was not afraid at all… I was so new to travelling that safety did not even cross my mind, I was simply in awe. It seemed as if we were in a film.

As we turned the corner, there appeared the silhouette of a man leaning against the side of the apartment building. He seemed to be wearing a hoodie, and had a little ponytail. A cloud of smoke rose from his breath and dissipated into the air, and then his face turned towards us. He proceeded to throw his cigarette down to the floor, putting it out with a little twist of the foot, and started to approach.

I could not see his face, but I could hear his voice – he was incredibly warm and welcoming. I’ll never forget what he told us his name was: Garlic. I thought it was an interesting choice, and now I wish that I’d asked him why he chose that name. That was the beginning of our two week trip.

I returned to Taipei in 2017 again, with my partner at that time. On this occasion, in 2024, I go back, but I go alone. Not completely alone. I am there to stay with a friend. A friend who I met online in 2021, and now I’m finally getting to meet in person!

I’ve always had a special relationship with this beautiful place… and going there now seems like a kind of momentous occasion. A little tribute to how much I’ve grown over the last 8 years.

I’m really glad that I can share this experience with all of you who’ve read this far! Thanks for sticking around.


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