At Home, Elsewhere

learning how to be at home

Travel Helps You to Learn About Yourself

It’s only two nights before I leave Taipei, and head towards Europe. This moment reminds me of one from just under 4 years ago… when I left Singapore to follow my dream to travel around Europe. Life is funny… we often dance around the things that we truly want to do. Well, I did anyway.

Even though I do not live in Taipei, I feel in so many ways that Asia is a comfortable region of the world for me. I grew up surrounded by Asian culture, through my family and friends, and it feels like home to me. Even though I look European on the outside, I actually don’t think I fit in very well over there. Particularly in France, I often simply feel uncomfortable. Sometimes I find it to be too open, too loud and too confronting. Maybe that’s why I like to go there: I find it challenging, and where there is a challenge… there is room to grow.

In Singapore on the other hand, I adapted quite quickly. Over the four years I lived there, I had discovered within me a passion for art. I had taken up a short course in architecture, and although I didn’t want to be an architect, I found the act of drawing to be really fulfilling. I loved analysing colours, materials, shapes… kind of similar to what I do now with my photography.

When I left my comfortable life in Singapore to go to Europe, it was my intention to settle in Germany. I went to Berlin, which is where a few of my favourite artists live, and I tried different things. I tried pottery classes, sketching sessions, and painting with pastels. I met the most interesting people, accomplished artists who have amazing talent.

But I didn’t manage to settle there… I missed the age limit required for the visa. So, after reviewing my options, I chose to go to France. I stayed in the southeast coast for a year, because I wanted to continue my journey in discovering the right type of art for me… what better place than where Picasso, Matisse and Renoir were all inspired? But things didn’t end up going that way. I found the language and culture there to be a real barrier for me, so instead I focused on learning French and… well, it wasn’t an easy adjustment for me. So, my dream got lost for a period of time.

Coming to Taipei has put me back in touch with my desire to create and share art. I have rekindled my passion for taking and editing photos, and I have been inspired by the work of local artists here. The artwork here seems so simple and elegant… sometimes it’s just a few lines. Yet, it is the life and character that is captured by these lines which creates magic. It gives me courage to say, well, maybe I can do that too.

I don’t know how many times I have thought about pursuing art, and then quitting because I couldn’t decide what to do or didn’t feel good enough… so this time I want it to be different.

I’m throwing away the need to know and just taking the chance to explore… and I want to take you on this journey with me.

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