At Home, Elsewhere

learning how to be at home

Surviving a Red-Eye Flight

Whether it’s long haul or just an overnight flight… this can be a tricky one. There are lots of things to potentially worry about, especially if you have health concerns, but two of the biggest for most people are: sleep and hydration. Lack of sleep and proper hydration can cause other things to happen like bloating, muscle soreness and just a general feeling of being dead inside. Surprisingly… after 20 hours of flying and being in transit, I am still energetic. Well, I’m sitting at a café in Zurich Airport with an espresso and a laugengipfel writing this post – so I must have done something right.

I used to be someone who would wing it – just push through and wait until I could take a proper shower and catch some sleep after I arrived. But nowadays, I do some simple little things in order to make my experience more pleasant.

I don’t try to sleep on the plane

Let me rephrase that… what I do is lower my expectations. Sleep is not so much important as getting rest. In today’s world, where we seem to need constant mental stimulation… it can actually be difficult to let ourselves rest sometimes. Especially for me, as I get bored easily.

The biggest game changer for me to get rest on the plane is something I recently invested in, and something I am recommending to everyone. Some sleeping headphones (affiliate link). It is both an eye mask and a set of Bluetooth headphones, and I can tell you right now that this has saved my life and the life of several others who have snored in close proximity to me.

The eye mask blocks out the light, and the headphones block out unwanted sounds. This makes it easier for me to calm down and simply get some shut eye. Maybe even a little deep, sound sleep too. Just remember to download some soothing music onto your phone before the flight. They’re not that expensive – only $24… in fact, I have an affiliate link to purchase them on Amazon if you’d like to buy this product while simultaneously supporting me: here’s the link ( just in case that doesn’t work, here is the full link:

I pair this with a regular facemask (yes, the covid era type), and put a couple drops of lavender oil by the area closest to my nose. I combine this eye mask-face mask pairing with a hoodie so that I’m fully covered. It’s probably a disconcerting look for anyone passing my seat during the flight, but it truly helps me to rest… so that is the most important thing. Having my nose and mouth covered actually helps me with hydration too, which brings me to addressing another issue.

I hydrate on the inside and outside during the flight

Wearing a face mask prevents my nose and throat from drying out, but sometimes that’s not enough. I make sure that I have as much water and juice as possible (and possibly any sports drink or coconut water as well, if the airline provides it). I still allow myself to have a wine or tea/coffee… but comparatively less than other fluids that have more water or electrolytes.

What helped me particularly well on this occasion was to also eat fluids. What I mean is, eating food that has high water content. For a long haul, you generally have a full service airline… which means that I force myself to eat the veggies first. High water content veggies are good, like tomatoes, cucumber, celery… but really any vegetable does the trick. If the airline is not full service, then it might be worth bringing a little salad on board with you. Save that bread roll and highly starchy food for when you arrive at your destination.

That’s the inside… now for the outside. I try to take an opportunity, even if it is after the flight, to use a hydrating facemask sheet. I try to wear it for as long as possible, but 5 minutes is good enough. This helped me on my overnight flight to Taipei, where I arrived at 5:30am and went directly to meet my friend for breakfast. I was still tired, but I looked and felt a little more energetic after using the mask. They should be available at your local pharmacy or chemist, but there are also plenty online if you prefer that. Here is an affiliate link to a 5 pack of Garnier Hydrabomb Hydration Masks, which I recommend (here is the full link:

Purposely make things comfortable for yourself

This is sometimes awkward… because we are so close to other people during the flight some of us can feel really obliged to not inconvenience others. I used to be like this… but I have recently gotten over this little anxiety. The whole process of flying is an inconvenience for most people (especially if you’re flying in economy), so if you have a window seat and you feel like getting up… just wake up the person next to you and go walk around or go to the bathroom. The whole situation is an inconvenience, so you might as well put your basic needs first… Or am I the only one who used to put my basic needs on hold for the comfort of others?

Another thing I’ve been doing recently is booking lounges during layovers. I have used several lounges over the years, but this time, I’ve been focusing a little more on my budget so I try not to spend too unreasonably. I have used the Premium Plaza Lounge in Singapore and Dubai, and I can say that they are both worth it. On this occasion, I used only the shower facility in Dubai… but after a 10 hour red-eye flight, it was SO worth it. It was just under $40 for half an hour, and it was worth the investment.

I hope all these tips help! Sometimes, it just takes a few little changes, a few little comforts for yourself… and it makes the journey and transition a whole lot better.

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