At Home, Elsewhere

learning how to be at home

How to Take a Technology Break

Here’s a quick tip for anyone staying in Switzerland a long time… buy a separate adapter plug for your stay! They are slightly different from the ones in the rest of Europe, they’re thinner and the plug head is smaller. I was caught unprepared, and I’m not going to go out and buy another one.

As such, I’m not able to use my laptop – but I thought it would be nice to take a break from that anyway. I’ve always got my head in a screen these days, especially now that I take and edit photos. It’s nice to remove the distraction for a while.

So here, I’ve made a habit in the mornings of waking up really early and sitting by the window. Each day, I’ve been able to see that magical moment when the colours of the landscape change quickly. Out here there are not many streetlights nearby… so it is completely dark at first. Black with white shadows from the snow capped hills. And slowly, the light creeps in.

At first, the snow starts to glow light grey… and then for what seems like a moment, the landscape is touched by a pale blue. Like the sky is sweeping over the snow, saying good morning, and then… pure white.

Today, it seems the temperature is increasing a little and the cloud cover is receding. A mist appears to have risen up from the earth, casting a white haze that reaches up and tapers out into a clear blue sky. The sun is peaking out, touching the tops of trees and houses built at a height, droplets of melted snow and metal glinting in the sunlight. The hills cast shadows over each other, pushing the light into little spaces, revealing details you didn’t realise were there.

I don’t think I’ll ever be exhausted from the joys of observing the movement of light and shadow during a sunrise. Especially here. But I’m afraid I’ll have to go tomorrow. I’m glad that my laptop is taking a well deserved vacation… she’ll be busy again soon.

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