At Home, Elsewhere

learning how to be at home

A Quiet, Cool Moment

Sometimes the effects of change catch up with me. The bed is harder here than in other places I’ve slept, the water tastes different, even the air is something new I need to get used to. I love being in Japan, but all of these changes are wearing me down slowly and for that reason today was a quiet day. I slept for a long time, but I am still tired and negative thoughts come to me easily on these kinds of days. It’s a good excuse to be nice to myself and so I went to the convenience store to pick up a few snacks.

Even though it was the middle of the day the air was fresh, and the clouds looked as if they would rain at any moment. I thought about going back to the apartment for my umbrella, but I didn’t. I decided that I wouldn’t mind if it rained, and feeling little drops of water on my skin already felt good anyway. I felt as if I were being washed, cooled off. As I walked, I heard the sound of drums in the background and then a big gong. It continued. I looked in the direction of where I thought the nearest shrine was. It sounded as if it were coming from there. Indeed the streets were eerily empty for a weekend, as if everyone was gathered somewhere else and no one had told me.

As I arrived at my local Family Mart I realised that I had been wrong. There were many more people than normal, coming in and raiding the shelves for things that they had forgotten the day before. On my walk back, I started to hear signs of life again. Students practicing their instruments at music class on the weekend, the shouts of support as baseball games began. I felt less lonely. As if hearing the life of others was bringing me back into reality, a reality where life goes on. Life goes on and we must simply choose how we want to live it. I walked along and listened to the sounds of the drums playing at the school, feeling the coolness of the air on my skin. I closed my eyes for a moment and became lost in the sound.

This morning I was elsewhere in my mind, but now I’ve arrived again. I took a deep breath. Life goes on, and I don’t want to feel that I am being dragged along by it anymore. I want to walk alongside it.

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