If you do not know it already, then I think it must be obvious to deduce from my last few posts. I am in love. To pretend to write about something else would be inauthentic. It is amazing what happens when your heart meets with another. It’s as if the whole world is brighter and better. Even if it only lasts a short time.
Today, it rained a lot. I walked to the train station to meet a very close friend of mine just after it started pouring. The rain filled my shoes and soaked my socks, my jeans turned dark with water until my knees. I skipped over puddles and skimmed through parts of the path that turned into little streams. I think my umbrella had a hole in it, because I started to feel water drip down the side of my face. But still, I smiled.
I needed to wait at Cannes station for forty minutes until my next train, but I just took a long coffee and sat down happily. The time passes quickly when you know that someone else is thinking of you at the same time you’re thinking of them. I laugh a little more, and take things a little less seriously. It’s a wonderful experience and moment, to be in love with someone. But every single time, without fail, life enters this moment that two people share. It comes in different forms. For me, it takes the shape of a ticket flying me half way across the world.
Love is a mystery that I’ve learned to never solve with the mind, you can only feel it with the heart and move accordingly. If you haven’t noticed already, this is my motto. Love is not created by two people, it grows from between them. We do not need to do the hard work of construction, we only need to have the patience of a gardener.
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