At Home, Elsewhere

learning how to be at home

Lunch Ardéchoise

It seems that I slowed down a little too much yesterday, I had forgotten to write my blog post. It was a busy day, even then. We spent the morning preparing for a lunch party at the home of a friend nearby, there would be quite a few people. First, I watched and helped a little bit in making a Tarte Darroze or apple tart, and many little Chouquettes. I did not take notes, but I hope that having a hand in making it means that I have retained something in my brain. I have a feeling that there are a lot of little recipes that I will need to collect here.

My work ended when I sprinkled the last dob of chouquette dough with big, square crystals of sugar. I changed, we went down to the village for some cheese and bread at the Sunday market, and then we walked over to a beautiful house, hidden within the woods, not to return until the evening. It appeared to be magic… we walked up three flights of stairs in a terraced garden to a beautiful outdoor entertainment room. A pool, a woodfire oven, and a beautiful view of the surrounding mountains.

There were also, of course, people. Many, many people. In English, socialising is not my strength, so in French it was even more of a problem. Luckily the people were very kind, and the first thing I was served was a glass of wine. But it was not only the drinks that were flowing. In the outdoor kitchen, a couple of friends were working hard together rolling pizza dough, placing the toppings, and baking it in the oven which glowed with a red hot fire. The first few entered the crowd with onions and anchovies, something which reminded me of the south east coast. After that, tomato and cheese snuck their way on top too. Finally, we were called to the table.

Salad was served, along with pork and lamb skewers. The food was big, of the region, and the ambience was filled with joy. My cheeks hurt today, from having smiled so much. This was not something that I expected for a gathering of French people, but they assured me that it was very Ardéchoise. In short, these people knew how to have fun. The conversation buzzed in the air, as the sun moved through the cover of the clouds, exposing itself now and then over the still water of the pool just beside the long dining table.

It didn’t take long for all the plates to be empty and then… dessert. I believe that most of them had been brought in by others beforehand. Tarte tropezienne, strawberry tart, apple tarts, chouquette, biscotti… there were cakes from every direction and my plate was full. Of course, it would not be truly French if there were no cheese afterwards with an espresso by the side for those who needed it.

It was at this point, that I lost track of myself. I agreed with every glass that was poured for me, and tried each dish… when the music started playing I got lost in the ambience. Luckily I was not one of those who fell in the pool although I did dip my feet in, and I’m not sure how I found my shoes later. The sun lasted long enough for those who took a dip to hang out and dry their clothes on the railing, and then as night fell people quietened down a little. That’s my kind of party, lots of fun but with enough time for a good sleep.

So there, I have made my confession about why I could not write yesterday. I think that the reason was good, and I don’t feel guilty. My most favourite moment, out of all the beautiful memories I made yesterday, was sitting by the balcony and staring out at that view. Waves of mountains rippling out from this house, which seemed to be perched right at the centre. I guess that is what life is meant to feel like, or maybe it’s how I want to feel more often. In one way, there are so many people we share this earth with and in another way, we are each the centre of our own lives. A position that is best occupied by ourselves without fear, living in the moment, enjoying all that life has to offer and naturally giving out happiness in return.

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