At Home, Elsewhere

learning how to be at home

Saying Goodbye is Never Easy

Well, the day has come. And saying goodbye is never easy. Especially not when you’re leaving behind the people you love, and also a routine that you really enjoyed.

It’s easier and safer to stay within the little zone of comfort that you set out for yourself, I am completely ready to admit that. There are many good reasons to just stay doing what you’ve always done – and it’s not always necessary to get out of your comfort zone.

But, after having said a lot of goodbyes in my life, I realise that it’s not about what’s on the other side. It’s really about the process of change, and how when you get to the other side, you realise that everything is still okay. Things may change around you, but there is something in you which stays the same.

Saying goodbye, whether it’s to physically leave somewhere or not… can feel very surreal. As if you are in a movie, and suddenly you just shift frames for no reason. I feel almost sick at the moment, like my body is saying to me that it doesn’t make sense to leave. Why am I doing this? I have a wonderful home here: part of my family who I will miss very much, a routine, regular places I go to, friends and people I see often. That warmth and safety of familiarity, and I can’t say that any of it is unhealthy or bad for me.

In one way, it really doesn’t make sense to disrupt all of that and throw myself into a new environment. But I know that if I stayed in the same situation, then I wouldn’t be true to me and the life that I want to live. It’s worth facing the mental, emotional and physical discomfort you experience with change like this, in order to get to that feeling of truth within you.

Goodness knows, I’ve faced this kind of change many times in my life already. But somehow each time, it feels equally as difficult. When we get familiar with an environment, we start to believe that the environment supports us. But that’s not true – it’s the other way around. We support our environment, and we do it by choosing to believe in it every day.

It takes guts to choose to believe in something different. But I truly believe that if we stay true to what we really want in life – then we can leave, and all that is good will remain with us.

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