At Home, Elsewhere

learning how to be at home

Different Styles of Travelling

These last few days, I have been doing a lot of things. I don’t normally do so much, to be honest, but since I will only stay in Taiwan for a short time… I feel compelled to do more than usual.

I realise now that I should have organised to stay here for a few months rather than a few weeks. As I get older, I don’t want to race through places anymore. I feel like I need more time to stay in one spot, to watch and learn. But anyway… I do travel for short periods sometimes.

Everyone has a different travelling style, and it can cause problems when some styles don’t match. I have travelled with people who like to do something energetic every day, and at the end of the holiday I have found myself physically sick. Even now, I have had 5 busy days in a row… and I am starting to get rapidly tired.

In the past, I have been critical of myself for this… but the reality is that some people’s energy levels are just lower. That’s all. Different energy levels are needed in the world – we can’t all be go, go, go sometimes we need to be slow, slow, slow.

I am not the kind of traveller who has a checklist based on “places not to miss” because I don’t like the idea of chasing something. I will walk around, explore, do things for free… and that’s how I make little amazing discoveries that may not mean a lot to someone else, but mean a lot to me.

After all, I’m living life to enjoy it… what’s the need to rush?

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