At Home, Elsewhere

learning how to be at home

  • Lunch Ardéchoise

    Lunch Ardéchoise

    It seems that I slowed down a little too much yesterday, I had forgotten to write my blog post. It was a busy day, even then. We spent the morning preparing for a lunch party at the home of a friend nearby, there would be quite a few people. First, I watched and helped a…

  • Learning to Slow Down Again

    Learning to Slow Down Again

    Today I spent my day caring about very little. I suppose that this is what it feels like when you relax fully. I have come to my friends place, but it feels like I have come to a home of my own. The pace of everything here is slow, and my body is following with…

  • Last Day in Montelimar

    Last Day in Montelimar

    Today is my last day in Montelimar. My mind is always occupied in these last days, planning and organising my time and belongings. As such, today’s post is a little short. I spent the morning packing up, and although I had a lovely time here, I didn’t feel sad about it. The first few days…

  • Shadows, Reflections and Other Simple Things

    Shadows, Reflections and Other Simple Things

    Taking the time to look at something mundane, to really focus in on it, is something I’ve found to be a wonderful exercise. Something boring only differs from exciting things in that there is less emotion around it. It seems so small and simple, but yet we feel the difference so intensely. After a period…

  • A Morning at a Patisserie in Montélimar

    A Morning at a Patisserie in Montélimar

    This morning I left the apartment to get some more snacks (I have more than made up for my under eating in the south east coast). It looked cloudy outside so I put on a jumper and a jacket, kept my umbrella with me and then walked out the door. To my surprise, by the…

  • The Slow Countryside

    The Slow Countryside

    This morning, the sun was out again. It was a beautiful day so I decided to skip my second coffee and go out for a walk. One evening before, I had seen a couple of girls sit on a wall by the castle which overlooked the side of the hill. I decided to go there…

  • Twists and Turns

    Twists and Turns

    Today is a rainy day, and although I am not able to enjoy the town as much as I’d like to I am somehow grateful for the bad weather. The rain always gives me an excuse to do what I needed to do anyway – rest. After my time in the south east I had…

  • The Scent of Dreams

    The Scent of Dreams

    These days I have a routine every morning. The first coffee, I sit and look out the window. The second coffee I take with my laptop in front of me and I write. I try to apply Neil Gaiman’s rule. I only do two things. I write, or I do nothing, for one hour. Some…

  • The Power of a Photograph

    The Power of a Photograph

    For the first time in a long time today I felt inspired to go out and take some photographs. Well, not quite. I felt inspired to go out and get snacks, but somewhere between my front door and the grocery store, I decided that I’d take a detour. I went up to the Chateau again,…

  • A Place Where Time Has Existed Before

    A Place Where Time Has Existed Before

    I had bad dreams last night, and I woke up not knowing where I was. Sometimes it happens like this, and it took me a little while to remember what was happening in my life. Have you ever been going through a period of change so big that you forget what your life is? That…