At Home, Elsewhere

learning how to be at home

  • There is Always Art

    There is Always Art

    The sky cleared for a little while yesterday, and I got the chance to walk around and actually see that Montelimar is beautiful. It seems to be surrounded by mountains, with sloping streets looked down upon by a chateau. It reminds me that there is a different side to France that are hidden from many…

  • Relearning Beauty

    Relearning Beauty

    I have arrived in Montelimar and to be honest, I immediately did not like it. The sky is a grey drizzle, the air feels so thick I struggle to take it into my lungs, and the streets are a little tired and worn out. It seems I have projected my own image onto this place…

  • Keep on Moving

    Keep on Moving

    This morning I woke up early. I still had a few things to do before I left the apartment. Somehow, most days, I wake up five or ten minutes before my alarm. The room was blue, the sun probably just starting to peak over the sea. I heard a bird singing, loud and beautifully. It…

  • The Art of Seeing

    The Art of Seeing

    Today, I spent the whole day in Nice. As I walked through the streets, I wondered why I didn’t come here earlier with my camera to take some shots. Somehow, it didn’t feel like the right time until today. Although it’s a beautiful city, and there is a lot of charm and character here… I…

  • The Pleasure of Goodbye

    The Pleasure of Goodbye

    This trip to France feels unlike the others, there is the smell of change in the air. These moments are always strange. A mixture of fear and excitement, a little melancholy and absent mindedness. It feels like I was just surfing a big wave, enjoying the adrenaline of the moment, and now I have been…

  • A Miracle in Ardèche

    A Miracle in Ardèche

    I am three nights away from leaving the Cote d’Azur now… I will travel into the mountains just north west of here to an area called Ardèche. That means that I will have to be prepared to speak French a lot more than I have been getting away with on the south east coast. It’s…

  • On the Nature of Love

    On the Nature of Love

    If you do not know it already, then I think it must be obvious to deduce from my last few posts. I am in love. To pretend to write about something else would be inauthentic. It is amazing what happens when your heart meets with another. It’s as if the whole world is brighter and…

  • The Unravelling

    The Unravelling

    The last month, and especially the last three years, it seems as if I have travelled through Europe but really, I have travelled through the territory of vulnerability. It always surprises me how my gut feeling has never been wrong, but yet I so often question myself before I trust it. My story in France…

  • Peace


    The count down to when I leave this place in France is always so difficult. It has been every time. But this time, it’s a little different. I sit on my balcony to write for the first time, rather than in a café. The wind is icy, but the sky is cloudless and the sun…

  • How Travelling Changes You

    How Travelling Changes You

    Travelling changes you in secret ways. The air of a different country gets into your lungs, the water soaks under your skin and you are given different dreams even though you sleep under the same moon. You may think that you have remained the same person, but you haven’t. At least this was the case…