At Home, Elsewhere

learning how to be at home

  • It’s Always a Good Idea to Make Time for Children

    It’s Always a Good Idea to Make Time for Children

    In my travels, I have met many people – big and small. I have to admit, it’s the smaller ones that are often wiser. My nieces and nephews teach me the most in life, more than anyone ever has… and while I’m travelling I miss them a lot. Children have a natural talent at being…

  • Returning Back to the Same Place

    Returning Back to the Same Place

    When I travel, I don’t try to tick off a list of places. In fact, I probably haven’t seen as many countries as many people think, and I don’t really want to. I often go back to the same country, and I love doing this because I get to see different sides of it. The…

  • What Travelling Taught Me About Authenticity

    What Travelling Taught Me About Authenticity

    A couple of days ago, I was going through an old suitcase. I came across some old journals, and decided that I’d rip up the pages that I’d written in. It’s something I decided this year… that I’d destroy my old journals, simply because I don’t want to be attached to the person I used…

  • The Beauty of Being Lost

    The Beauty of Being Lost

    Sometimes I see so many things in life, it’s difficult to decide. My heart wants this, my heart wants that…. but at the end of the day we can only choose one thing at a time. Maybe travelling is my way to have it all, and avoid the courage it takes to choose one thing…

  • How to Take a Technology Break

    How to Take a Technology Break

    Here’s a quick tip for anyone staying in Switzerland a long time… buy a separate adapter plug for your stay! They are slightly different from the ones in the rest of Europe, they’re thinner and the plug head is smaller. I was caught unprepared, and I’m not going to go out and buy another one….

  • From One Extreme to Another

    From One Extreme to Another

    I’ve arrived in Switzerland, and it couldn’t be more different than Taipei. In fact, it’s completely contrary. After experiencing the chaos of human lives clashing together, I’m now being enveloped by the arms of nature. Experiencing opposites in close succession can be a little unsettling sometimes. You feel the need to do something, but no…

  • Instagram vs Reality: Starting a Travel Vlog

    Instagram vs Reality: Starting a Travel Vlog

    It was my intention to start a Youtube channel in conjunction with my blog and social media… but that’s turned out to be a bit more difficult than I thought. As such, I have taken a lot of videos from my trip to Taipei but I am not able to use it at this moment….

  • Surviving a Red-Eye Flight

    Surviving a Red-Eye Flight

    Whether it’s long haul or just an overnight flight… this can be a tricky one. There are lots of things to potentially worry about, especially if you have health concerns, but two of the biggest for most people are: sleep and hydration. Lack of sleep and proper hydration can cause other things to happen like…

  • Travel, Friendship and Food

    Travel, Friendship and Food

    Today is my last day in Taiwan… there are so many mixed emotions. I want to move on, but at the same time, I want to stay… and at the same time, I really want something to capture my memories here and keep them with me for always. Writing has always been my most natural…

  • The Art of Transition

    The Art of Transition

    The reason why I have travelled to Taipei is to visit my friend, who actually used to be an English student of mine. I realised very soon, during our lessons, that I was actually asking her a lot more questions than she was asking me. So, I decided to end the paid sessions, and simply…