At Home, Elsewhere

learning how to be at home

  • Travel Helps You to Learn About Yourself

    Travel Helps You to Learn About Yourself

    It’s only two nights before I leave Taipei, and head towards Europe. This moment reminds me of one from just under 4 years ago… when I left Singapore to follow my dream to travel around Europe. Life is funny… we often dance around the things that we truly want to do. Well, I did anyway….

  • A Rainy Day in Taipei

    A Rainy Day in Taipei

    This is the Taiwan that I am used to. When I visited here before, it was always during the winter. I remember the first time I visited Taipei, nine years ago, I didn’t even think about the weather and didn’t carry a jacket with me. My friends and I did a day trip up to…

  • My Favourite Things About Taipei

    My Favourite Things About Taipei

    There are only four days left for me in Taiwan… it has gone so quickly, and I feel that I have not done everything I wanted to. But I am learning to be content with what I have already done. Rather than push myself in the last four days to rush through my list, I’m…

  • Thoughts While Sitting at a Café in Taipei

    Thoughts While Sitting at a Café in Taipei

    Today is a public holiday in Taiwan, and quite a few places are closed… which means that my normal café was not open today. I had to figure out something else. So, I am trying a new place called 000 Café. I first saw the outside seating: brightly coloured little pots with flowers placed evenly…

  • All the Different Ways in Which we Live the Same Lives

    All the Different Ways in Which we Live the Same Lives

    It’s amazing how much you can enrich your travel experience by stopping and observing sometimes. It’s my favourite thing to do, if you hadn’t already noticed. When you look through a window, you observe little things and it’s the little things that make all the difference. It’s a good opportunity to calmly compare and contrast,…

  • How to Cope with Living Far Away from Home

    How to Cope with Living Far Away from Home

    It’s been one week that I’ve been away from home, and the blues are starting to set in. It’s a natural part of the process… and if I hadn’t travelled so much in my life already, this feeling would have been disturbing for me. It’s when travelling becomes less of an adventure, and quite simply…

  • Different Styles of Travelling

    Different Styles of Travelling

    These last few days, I have been doing a lot of things. I don’t normally do so much, to be honest, but since I will only stay in Taiwan for a short time… I feel compelled to do more than usual. I realise now that I should have organised to stay here for a few…

  • A Morning Routine While on The Road

    A Morning Routine While on The Road

    Yesterday morning, I woke up slowly. I got ready for the day, and then found I had to wait while I backed up my photos and videos. While waiting, I looked out the window to the street below. A neighbour was outside, tending to her garden. She was pruning the branches, and then cutting the…

  • A Typical Taiwanese Breakfast

    A Typical Taiwanese Breakfast

    Food is one of the main reasons I travel. Since I went to Taiwan the first time, my palate has really started to open up. I especially like to try local places, as you can probably guess from my last post. Having a friend who can speak the language truly makes local options a lot…

  • Self Confidence and Speaking a Different Language

    Self Confidence and Speaking a Different Language

    Last night was the first night I went out for dinner without my friend. It had crossed my mind that I could just stay at the house and eat something there… but somehow I wanted to challenge myself. I don’t know how to speak Chinese. I had started trying to learn the language 6 years…