At Home, Elsewhere

learning how to be at home

  • Between My Breaths

    Between My Breaths

    I forgot to write yesterday because I’d gotten sick and today I’m still getting through it. I often ask myself why I get the common cold every now and then. I don’t seem to get it during stressful periods of my life, when I feel the need to remain switched on and alert. However, very…

  • The Song of Home

    The Song of Home

    It’s back to quiet mornings by the beach, even if the sky is a little heavy. There’s always someone out there testing the waves, freshening themselves up in the salt water. Even if I don’t go inside, I breathe in the scent of the ocean and I appreciate the atmosphere. I close my eyes and…

  • Differences Draw Us Closer

    Differences Draw Us Closer

    The thing I love about living in my hometown is the slower pace of life, and the way that I feel so far away from all the action that’s happening in the world. It’s just not the same anywhere else. Before, I found it to be a little stale and boring, but now I find…

  • Blooming in the Winter

    Blooming in the Winter

    As I settle back into my old routine, my sleep is disturbed again. The first few nights after I got back to Australia, I was exhausted and sleep was like a silent heaven. But now that I am a little more rested, my mind is turning like clockwork again and my dreams are active. I…

  • I Left Her in Japan

    I Left Her in Japan

    After a few days of rest, I already feel the momentum building for the new direction that my life is about to take. I’m no longer wandering around, not sure of what I want. I know what I want, in fact I know exactly what I want, and that requires the revelation of a different…

  • Creating a New Familiar

    Creating a New Familiar

    I slept very well the first night that I arrived back, and woke up early in the morning. It was still dark. I sat in my bed, because I’d heard something that I hadn’t heard in a long time: silence. After a while, as the light began to rise into a pale grey sky, the…

  • Finding Yourself in the Crowd

    Finding Yourself in the Crowd

    For the first time in a long time, I am truly craving to go back to Australia. I grew up being surrounded by the bush, not by people. My hometown is small, my home country is vast and fairly empty. At night outside it would be pitch dark and silent. I find that many places…

  • Kyoto in the Rain

    Kyoto in the Rain

    It’s my last whole day in Japan and I decide to spend it in Kyoto. I visited a few times since I arrived and I have to say after my first good impression, I was a little turned off. The streets are full of tourists, and it’s big. It’s beautiful that’s for sure, but it…

  • The Message of the Cicada

    The Message of the Cicada

    These days, the cicadas are singing outside my window loud and clear. In fact, they’re incredibly loud. I didn’t remember this sound before I left for Tokyo. It’s deafening, especially when you try to get up close for a photo of the beautiful creatures. I see the cicada often in art, all around the world,…

  • What are you Going to Write?

    What are you Going to Write?

    This is the reflection end of my trip, so I’ve been taking the time to visit places that I’ve liked rather than see something new. It turns out that it’s the same story every time – it’s the little moments that I like the most. Having my morning cup of coffee by the open window…