At Home, Elsewhere

learning how to be at home

  • A Little Magic in Shinjuku

    A Little Magic in Shinjuku

    During the whole night, I was sleeping with a lot of images in my mind. Yesterday there were so many things happening during the day, so many people crossed my path in the crowd, so much noise filled my ears. Being around so much activity is an experience we can choose to have in life,…

  • Love can Bloom from Silence

    Love can Bloom from Silence

    Yesterday, we started the day by going to the Myōraku-ji temple, here in Kawasaki Asao-ku. It was a short bus ride and walk away, we went mainly because my friend loves hydrangea flowers. I had heard that in Japan, June and July is the perfect season to see hydrangeas or ajisai as they call it…

  • Kushikatsu with Ted

    Kushikatsu with Ted

    Yesterday was an easy day. We both rested and had a long chat in the afternoon, and then went to the local train station to find a bite to eat for dinner. The day before, I saw a local kushikatsu restaurant as I was walking to the station and I had thought to myself –…

  • Soba Courage in Shinjuku

    Soba Courage in Shinjuku

    In my life, I have generally had a love-hate relationship with doing things alone. I’d prefer working alone and writing alone, but there were times when I just wanted someone to bounce ideas off. I love travelling alone and going to a restaurant or café on my own, but after a while I craved some…

  • A Rainy Day in Kawasaki

    A Rainy Day in Kawasaki

    The night passed noisily and the morning started softly. Getting used to new accommodation is not always easy, and I feel tired today, but the novelty of a new place makes up for it. The rain fell the whole day today, so I just put on my shoes and went out. I’d explore, I thought….

  • Heading for Tokyo

    Heading for Tokyo

    Today, I go to Tokyo and I will complete all my socialising for the month in about a week. I enjoy my time alone, but I am happy to have company soon. As I ride the Shinkansen further north, I begin to relax. Navigating the train systems in a new country can sometimes be stressful,…

  • My Neighbourhood Katano

    My Neighbourhood Katano

    This morning, I woke up with a lot of thoughts. When one stage of your life is ending and another is beginning, the cogs in your head turn out of sync. Every now and then there is a jam, the mind gets confused and stops. Normally during the day I can keep myself together, but…

  • Off the Beaten Path in Nara

    Off the Beaten Path in Nara

    Today I walked around Nara. It was another humid, hot day with sprinkles of rain in between. Nara is famous for its beautiful shrines, temples and its park, where the local deer hang out waiting for a feed. And they didn’t disappoint, and the tourists were enjoying giving them biscuits when I arrived. It was…

  • Take a Different Path

    Take a Different Path

    I feel that only now I am settling into life in Japan. People in the street have been greeting me, ohayo gozaimasu… konnichiwa… a quick nod of the head, a little smile. Now I am not afraid to put my head up when I go outside for a walk and say hello too. Every place…

  • Painting a Picture of Osaka

    Painting a Picture of Osaka

    It’s a rainy day in Osaka today, but everyone is still out walking around. My first month in Japan has been a little lonely, especially since I don’t live in the centre of the city. Going to the centre, where strangers walk side by side, makes me feel a little warm and happy. The city…