At Home, Elsewhere

learning how to be at home

  • Language is a Game

    Language is a Game

    I have been going to the same café in the mornings for some time now, and I am starting to recognise people saying the Japanese words I know. This is a very new language learning experience for me, and even if I don’t learn as much as I want to I know that this experience…

  • A Head Full of Doubts

    A Head Full of Doubts

    Today, my head is full of doubts. Why am I here? What am I doing? I always have days like this, especially in a new country where I know no one. I remember when I first arrived in France in 2020, I would walk back from the little village to my apartment in the dark…

  • There is Plenty of Time for Everything

    There is Plenty of Time for Everything

    These days I feel my schedule being consumed by the daily tasks, things I need to do and don’t necessarily want to. Cleaning, washing, shopping… it seems like I am always washing dishes and always running out of food. I feel that I am not getting time in the day to do what I want,…

  • A Quiet, Cool Moment

    A Quiet, Cool Moment

    Sometimes the effects of change catch up with me. The bed is harder here than in other places I’ve slept, the water tastes different, even the air is something new I need to get used to. I love being in Japan, but all of these changes are wearing me down slowly and for that reason…

  • My Little Recipe Book

    My Little Recipe Book

    I think I’ve mentioned it before, but I’ve started a little recipe book so I can take my memories of my travel with me. At the moment, it has recipes from France and Taiwan in there and soon I want to think about something Japanese. Since Japanese is a cuisine that I am quite familiar…

  • Turn Your Attention to What Seems Insignificant

    Turn Your Attention to What Seems Insignificant

    One of the most fascinating things that I have learned about myself while travelling around is the kind of home that I’d like to keep. To be honest, it’s one of the reasons why I really wanted to spend time in Japan. For years before this moment, I have been watching lifestyle influencers from here…

  • Telling Stories

    Telling Stories

    Spring in Japan is slowly coming to an end. The last cherry blossom may have fallen a while ago now, but there are many other flowers still in bloom. Like the beautiful hydrangeas, and the pretty little wildflowers along the side of the road. This also means that the pollen is still very present, floating…

  • A Way of Travelling

    A Way of Travelling

    Today it makes one week that I have been in Japan, and in that one week I have begun to explore a routine. I have managed to find a café that I am happy with, which is owned by Japanese locals and where I can write peacefully. Not only does this help me to feel…

  • Just a Little Walk Up the Hill

    Just a Little Walk Up the Hill

    Yesterday evening, I had a good day walking around Kyoto but I was so happy to be back in my familiar little town. Even though it will only just be one week that I’ve stayed in Japan, I am already enjoying my life here and the new side of me that it reveals. It’s seasoning…

  • If You Take Time to Notice

    If You Take Time to Notice

    This morning, I was a little out of it. It was the first time I received an earthquake alert on my phone, and as someone who has never been through it before I had a moment of dizziness. I sat on my bed and waited… was something supposed to happen? A number of things were…