At Home, Elsewhere

learning how to be at home

  • The View from Behind the Glass

    The View from Behind the Glass

    It’s my last day of rest before I begin working on my project, which I’ll be releasing next month. I’m a little scared to be honest, it’s the first time that I’m offering something like this. I think that it takes a little courage to ask for a bit of money in exchange for something…

  • The Importance of Restraint

    The Importance of Restraint

    In Japan so far, I can’t help but feel this sense of spaciousness within the small. It’s difficult to describe without comparison. In the city I’m from, one block will most often contain a few ground level stores, cafes or restaurants. In Paris, you might find that above the restaurants and stores there are several…

  • Layers of Quiet

    Layers of Quiet

    Today the weather has cooled down. In fact, since yesterday evening it started to rain a little. The clouds have floated down to visit the tips of the little mountains that surround the town in which I’m living, and there is a thin mist in the air from the constant drizzle. It remains quiet, peaceful,…

  • Finding the Tracks

    Finding the Tracks

    And once again… I find myself without a mouth. Instead, I rely on my facial expressions, on my actions and on the various global sounds we all make. All the Japanese I have learned seems to have done more than go for a walk, it’s gone on holiday and will come back into my mind…

  • Learning Japan

    Learning Japan

    I arrived in Tokyo today during the early hours of the morning, one minute past midnight to be exact. It was raining. As I left the airport, I saw the streets of Tokyo glimmering through the rain drops that were slowly trickling down the taxi window. I spent the night being held in a quiet,…

  • Thoughts Provoked from a Lack of Sleep

    Thoughts Provoked from a Lack of Sleep

    Well, here I am writing in Doha Airport. It’s 3am, I haven’t had any sleep for the night and I sit here with my coffee overlooking a tropical garden located within the airport. It’s a nice, peaceful place. There is water running and the sound of birds. And unlike many other airports, Doha seems to…

  • It’s Time to Bear Fruit

    It’s Time to Bear Fruit

    The day has finally arrived, I take the long flight now, and I think you will not hear from me until I land. I will soon enter a totally new world, but I hope that the same thing will happen in Japan as it has in other places… I hope I will find similarities. Elements…

  • Love is Always Worth the Risk

    Love is Always Worth the Risk

    I am back on the southeast coast of France, and I didn’t want to write today. It’s only because he wants me to keep going. If it were up to me, I’d never leave his side in these few days we have together. It’s a romantic feeling that I know will go with time, of…

  • Potatoes, Goats Cheese and Chestnuts

    Potatoes, Goats Cheese and Chestnuts

    Soon I take the long train back to the southeast coast of France. I am sad to leave Ardéche, it feels as if I have made this place my home. The steadiness of a routine is something that I become attached to quite quickly these days. Yesterday, I sat at the table for lunch for…

  • I Carry my Words with me

    Today is the last full day I have in Ardeche… so I prepare my suitcases once again. As with every time I leave, it makes me reflect. What do I want to keep in my life? What do I want to give away? Every place I go gives me a chance to observe others and…